Monday, August 26, 2024

A leader with trust in God

Joshua was old, advanced in age. And Joshua called for all Israel … and said to them: … You have seen all that the Lord your God has done to all these nations because of you, for the Lord your God is He who has fought for you.

Joshua 23:1–3

A leader with trust in God

Joshua is one of the greatest leaders of the old covenant people of Israel, a man distinguished in many ways. Next to God, Israel owed to him the capture of the land of Canaan, which God had already promised to the forefathers of His people.

Now the life of this gifted leader is drawing to a close, and he is handing over his testament, as it were, to his people. This is so significant that it has been recorded in the Holy Scriptures.

Naturally, he begins with the past, which he himself had played a major role in shaping. Would he succumb to the temptation to emphasise his merits or at least mention them? You don’t read anything of this – you can search in vain for references to his undoubtedly great heroic deeds. Joshua knew and held to the fact that to the great God alone was any honour due for Israel’s coming into possession of the promised land. God had waged the battle for His people, and men were but instruments in His hand. This looks at things from a higher perspective, but for Joshua it was the only correct viewpoint.

Truly great people will not strive to make themselves and their achievements the centre of attention. Those who have succeeded in life by trusting in God – as Joshua did – know who they owe it to, and they don’t forget it. This is an example for us, because it makes it clear that we must surrender our lives to God in order to obtain true success and blessing.

Today’s reading: 1 Kings 11:14-25 · John 8:48-59

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